eASY : Get the goal, eASY for all!

eASY? What is eASY? My new found love! Hahahaha LOL =))
Well, let's start from the beginning.
eASY stands for english Association for SMANSA Youth (don't forget to write it with little 'e', because it's on the AD/ART (I don't know how to say AD/ART in English -___-). I remember how we got some PPs because we wrote it wrong =3=). eASY is a semi-organization in SMAN 1 Bogor that used English as it's theme. It's like an English Club. So, if you are interested in English, or you found yourself good in English and you are SMANSA student, just go join this club! Because, trust me, eASY is really, really, really fun.

So, what's in eASY?
We have 4 big divisions in eASY. Let me tell you one by one :
1. English Development (ED)ED usually has a lot of members, because it's the main point of eASY as the English Club. In ED, we do some skill training, like debate, speech, newscasting, story-telling, etc. So, if you think that you have some skills in English for competition, you can join this division.
2. English for Fun (EF)
Who wants to join a club with no fun activities in that club? That's why eASY has this division. In EF, we do some fun activities, like tourist hunting, eASY Goes To Cinema (eGTC --> the most routine work programme in eASY LOL!), and doing some wall magazine (we call it Wall-e!). We can learn English by doing something fun in this division.
3. International Network (IN)
Do you like blogging? Or tweeting? Or facebook-ing (?)? Web design? Another activities that use internet for socializing something to the world? Join this division of eASY --> IN. We update the recent activities in eASY to social acccount and web, so, people can know about eASY, or we just can tell people about eASY in general. It's like promoting eASY via internet. Just like what I do now! :))

4. Public Relation (PR)
In order to maintance the existence of eASY in other school or the environment outside SMANSA, we need this division. PR relates us to other school or looks for links of sponsor or alumni that can be used if we held an event. If you had some public speaking skill, join this division!

We had Headquarter, too, but it's not a division (once again, it's written on the AD/ART (Please, someone tell me how to say AD/ART in English... T^T)). There's only one supervisor of Headquarter that manage all the matters about secretariate (I'm not quite sure how to spell that =3=)).

Are we gonna learn English all the time?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Just think of that idea and make me feel like "I'm quitting." or something... =.=
No, we don't learn English all the time, like coursing or something. We also had some events with English, not only for eASY and SMANSA but also for other school. Here's the events we held :

1. TORCH (TOEFL Preparation for Competent Youth)We held a TOEFL Preparation Test for the students of SMANSA, especially the RSBI students. We coordinated with Bogor Agriculture Institute to held this event. TORCH was held in order to measure the SMANSA's students ability to do a TOEFL-like test.

2. STIC (SMANSA Trivia Competition)
STIC was held during the SMANSA Day period. It was like a trivia competition for SMANSA's students. There were some competitions in this event which were Battle of Brains and Short Story and Poem writing competition.

3. ENTHUSIASTIC (Education, Entertaining, and Harmonious Students’ Appreciation in Talent, Music, and Creativity)
ENTHUSIASTIC is the biggest annual event that eASY held. This year, we called it ENTHUSIASTIC Goes Two, because it was the second ENTHUSIASTIC we held. It was an event with many competitions for other school in Jabodetabek range. The competitions are debate, speech, and spelling bee.

And there are so many more events that we held and those events are all INTERESTING and FUN!! :))
Now, we're in the middle of Pre-LMT phase, which is a regeneration of eASY from batch 11 to the batch 12. We work so hard at this regeneration and we hope that we can bring a new eASY with better skill trainings, better events, and better members. Get the spirit, guys! XD

eASY! eASY! eASY! Get the goal, eASY for all!

-Yumi 'Daigo' Chiaki-
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You Must Have Had A Broken Heart

Lagu Westlife nih! Ahahahahahaha kebetulan lagi menggambarkan suasana hati saya yang lagi rancu~~
Baru sadar kalo saya jatuh cinta sama seorang cowok *yaiyalah, masa cewek-__-*, bukannya seneng saya malah sedih. Kenapa? Karena saya jatuh cinta sama cowok itu di saat yang ga tepat, yaitu saat saya tau bahwa tuh cowok lagi PDKT sama temen saya. WTF banget kan? Makanya saya lagi agak stres gimanaaaaa gitu~~

nih liriknya :
The way you say the things you do
The softness of the words you choose
The times that you can read my mind
And take my worries out of sight

Your fingers touching on my lips
And say a kiss is still a kiss
And when you look at me I see
I see the pain that you had to feel

You must've had a broken heart, to love me the way do
Must've been so torn apart, I can see it when I look at you
All the meaning that is in your eyes, the love you give will never die
And I knew right from the start, you must've had a broken heart

You seem to have that certain smile
I can't forget after a while
The day you walked into the room
At once I knew the hurt that you'd been through

Sometimes when its late at night and I see your face in the fire light
Showing all the love you have for me, well I love you as much

Sometimes, sometimes
Must've had a broken heart
All the meaning that is in your eyes, the love u give will never die
And I knew right from the start, you must've had a broken heart

enakeun dah! Asik wkwkwkwkXDXD

Doakan saya agar saya ga sedih melulu yah... Gawat kalo saya udah sesenggukan mah. Bisa ambil botol beras, ngumpet di kolong meja, trus jadi orang gila wkwkwkwkwk
-Yumi 'Daigo' Chiaki-
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Entah mengapa jadi pengen posting... tapi gatau mau posting apa~~
Curhat tentang hari ini aja deh~~

Hari ini... gimana yah? Tadi pagi bangun telat dengan kondisi tubuh yang luar biasa sakit...
Ah badan ini benar-benar seperti ditiban gajah rasanya, walaupun saya belum pernah ngerasain yang namanya ditiban gajah...
Tapi saya tetep maksain bangun dan berangkat sekolah! Sekolah itu wajib, anak-anak! HaahahahahaXD lagian saya ge mikir kalo di sekolah keanya saya bakal sembuh...*deeeuuuuhhh^^*
Begitu sampe sekolah *yang untungnya ga telat, masih 3 menit sebelum bel=.=a* bawaannya sakit aja tuh saya... pusinglah, perut serasa diinjek lah, macem-macem aja rasanya. Tapi sabodo teuing, saya masih punya kewajiban yang lebih penting daripada sakit perut saya yaitu... HEH! SIAPA YANG BILANG BELAJAR??? BUKAAAAAAAANNN!!! Tapi ada jadwal ngeben sama Daiben dan Rabes Perdana STIC 2010!XDXD wkwkwwkwkwkwk belajar mah belakangan aja deeeeeeehhhhh^^ *ini saya setengah bercanda, setengah serius* TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!!!!!! Bel pertama bunyi deh!
Pelajaran pertama X-3 hari Sabtu itu Bahasa Inggris. Tadinya saya udah niat mau nyantai-nyantai aja, soalnya pelajaran Bahasa Inggris hari ini cuma ngelanjutin presentasi Unforgettable Memory yang udah kita buat sejak taun lalu ga di presentasiin dari dulu-__-
Udah siap duduk diam dengan manis, eeehhh si pembicara terakhir di pertemuan lalu *baca : Rahman Tri Putra* dengan senyam-senyum ga jelas di mukanya, langsung nunjuk saya sebagai pembicara pertama pagi ini...AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Ga banget. Mana lagi ga enak banget lagi kondisi kesehatan kepala saya-_- Tapi yah mau ga mau saya maju ke depan dengan membawa presentasi recount saya...Yaaahhh it went well. Saya tinggal baca aja apa yang ada di power point saya dan ngejawab pertanyaan. Nah ini dia bagian paling bikin getek. Kebetulan presentasi saya nyeritain tentang kejadian 6 September 2009 bersama Kak Iqbal dan banyak sedikitnya nyeritain *ehem, promosi* Daiben. Pas sesi tanya jawab, walaaaaaaaahhhh yang nanya, SUBHANALLAH! BANYAK!!!! Coba produser gitu yang nanya-nanya soal Daiben ckckck hahahahaXD bukannya pada nanya soal peristiwa 6 September 2009, malah pada nanya soal Daiben-_- si Veto lagi, pake nanyain arti Daiben=.= kan saya jadi bingung jawabnya. Masa ngomong, "Daiben is shit."? Ga lucu banget. Untung gw orangnya pinter ngeles yah jadi aman... Yang ga bisa dipakein ngeles tuh pertanyaan *baca : permintaan* nya si Ariana Maulina Putri. Masa saya disuruh nyanyi di depan kelas? Ampun buuuuuuuu!!!! Saya ga melakukan kesalahan apapun!!!! Kenapa disuruh nyanyi sih>??? ckckckckck parah banget dah-_- Waktu Bonenkai, saya nyanyi ga gemeteran sedikitpun, tapi giliran di depan kelas, Goodbye Days-nya jadi kebanyakan vibrasi saking gemeterannya... AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH LIATIN SI ERIN PAS GILIRAN DIA TAMPIL GW SURUH JAIPONGAN!!!
Abis Bahasa Inggris, ada elektronika. HAHAHA dengan adanya Herlin di kelompok saya, maka selamatlah kami semuaXDXD masuk Teknik Elektro ae gw bilang! Gausah susah-susah ngejar Kedokteran...*baca : pengen ngurangin saingan*
Trus, abis Kelek, ada Kimia. Ah teuing ogah gw cerita Kimia. Dari 12 soal yang dikasih, cuma bisa ngerjain 6 biji ckckcck mau jadi apa kao nak=.=?
TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT!!!! Bel pulang! Langsung saja saya kumpulkan panitia STIC 2010 buat Rapat Besar Perdana kita. Sempet kesel juga sih, yang dateng dikit. Itu-itu lagi orangnya, sama aja boong-_- Tak bisakah mereka memngerti bahwa acara ini acara khusus anak kelas 10 aja? Tanpa gagu gugat dari kelas 11? Tahukah mereka apa artinya? Ga ada yang nyuapin kita lagi harus gimana untuk bikin acara! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! JANGAN HARAP BISA BERHASIL KALO PANITIA AJA GA MAU BERPARTISIPASI! Okeh, tenang. Hahahahaha serius loh saya itu. Ghifari ampe kasian kena getahnya terus... hiks sabar yah Ghifari...~~ Yaudah, rapat berjalan lumayan lancar dan menghasilkan hasil yang ga banyak-_- bertahap mungkin yah? Jangan harap saya bakal nge-post hasilnya di sini yah ckckckck~~
Abis rapat? NGEBEN!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH sempet frustasi juga nih masalah ngeben. Drummer kita, si Daiichi ga bisa ikutan latian. Lagi. Dan gw ga suka banget kalo ampe latian tanpa drummer. Jadinya : 1. Ga ada yang megang tempo, 2. Ga rame, ga ada yang gedebak-gedebuk, 3. Jadi pada ga semangat. Dan sudah dengan sangat sukses dibuktikan tadi-____- Latian cuma ada Daini, Daiyon, Daigo, dan Daizero jadi terasa hampa... Daiben memang paling bagus kalo udah latian komplit plit plit plit!! Asik lah pokoknya! Inget waktu latian 4 jam itu ben? Tak terasa kan? Asik kan kalo kompak gitu? Coba gitu lagi, ditambah Dairoku sekarang, pasti mantep! Hohoho aku cinta kalian lah pokoknyaXD
Trus... trus... belok kiri! Awas nabrak! Wkwkwkwk nanaonan coba?XD kemudian saya pulang... trus tidur, sebelum tidur ngayal dulu *bukan ngekhayal jorok yah, mohon dicatat* Abis itu nyetel Fullhouse! HAHAHAHAHAXDXDXD soswit banget!!! Wajib nonton lagi!!!!^^
Lalu disinilah saya sekarang... di depan Len Tsuukiyumi-ku tercinta, lagi buka Facebook ama OneManga baca Tsubasa Chronicle, dan update postingan di blog saya yang makin lama makin gaje heheXD
Udahan yah! Kenapa? Yaaaaaahhhh jangan nangis gitu dong!!! Hahahaha nanti juga saya bakal balik lagi kok^^

-Yumi 'Daigo' Chiaki-
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Because of You - Adit's POV

Pernah denger saya cerita tentang nopel KG?
Pernah denger saya janji buat nge-post nopel KG?
Yaahhh... kali ini emang bukan nopel KG sih...
Hanya lamunan dari salah satu karakter yang kebetulan punya saya di nopel itu... wkwkwkwkXD
Cerita ini juga spin-off dari nopel KG yang asli, cerita asli dari otak saya.
Karakter juga asli dari otak saya.
Dan post saya kali ini bakal berbagi sama kalian semua soal curhatan Adit yang terinspirasi dari lagu Because of You -nya Kelly Clarkson^^ love the song very much!XD
Selamat Menikmati^^

I will not make the same mistake as you did

I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery

I will not break the way you did you fell so hard

I've learned the hard way to never let it get that far

I stared to my parents.

They were arguing and fighting and yelling and slapping and snapping to each other.

My mother,

She was crying in desperation.

"This is enough for me! I'm happier with Raffi than with you, you know that?!"

My father,

He was very furious and angry. And desperate, too.

"Then just go! Go to that Greenleaf man so you can take all of his profit! The only thing that you want is money, right?"

And I,

well, I'm just a kid.

I'm only 6, but I know what will happen to my family.

It will break, I thought to myself.

And it happened.

My parents were getting divorce.

My mother was still crying while she hugged me.

"Come with Momma, Adit, I will take care of you."

I didn't know how to answer that.

Deep down in my heart, I know that this was my mother's fault.

Or that Greenleaf man, I guessed.

But I really wanted to come with her.

It was my father who answered it.

"No. He will be in my responsibility. I will raise him to become my successor, to be a great man.

At least, I will make sure that he won't fell into woman's trap like me."

Because of you

I never stray too far from the side walk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I found it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me

Because of you

I'm afraid

Who was it?

Was it really my father?

My father who always loved me and my mother,

All that I can see was a monster.

A monster without feelings.

No, this was not a connotation.

My father banished all of his emotion.

He lost his feeling, but his mind remained.

He said that those were rubbish.

It seemed he wasn't satisfied yet,

My father changed me.

He made me vanished

Then, he created another monster.


I shivered when his voice poured into my ears.


You are my son, you are just as great as I am.

Your life must be perfect.

You have to be like me.

I'm success. I'm happy. I'm wealthy

Without love.

I don't even remember what love is.

Oh, yes. I still remember.

Love is a lie.

Love is only saying sweet silly words at all.

You don't need love. You don't need to love.

Emotions are rubbish.

Rubbish place is garbage can.

You know garbage can, don't you?

It's smelly. Stink rubbish.

So, wrap the rubbish called emotions in you,

and throw it into the garbage can.

And NEVER think to take it again.

It will make you smelly."

That was what I learned.

My father succeeded,... a half.

I wasn't a complete monster.

I still had a few rubbishes in myself.




and... Pain.

I could feel them, though my father didn't know it.

He was very proud of me.

"Genius, son. You're incredible."

He said that when I didn't know what this great thing in me was.

I lose my way and it's not too long before you point it out

I cannot cry because I know that's weakness in your eyes

I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh every day of my life

My heart can possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with

I maybe was still six years old.

But I could tell,

I was messing, not great.

Wherever I went, I was always alone.

I never had a friend.

Well, I wasn't letting myself to have a friend.

I was drowning into my own thought.

I heard they said that I had my own world

and it was true.

My world was different with them.

My father planted in my mind,

that my world is more intellect than other people.

That made me feels so distant.

Whatever I did, I had to be perfect.

I shouldn't do any mistakes.

It became my burden.

As a child, I never cried.

I wouldn't cry although my heart was much messed.

Because I looked that hollow in my mother's eyes when she cried.

She felt like suicidal.

Maybe I hated my life,

but I still appreciated it.

I wouldn't give my heart more sorrow.

It was enough, I thought.

Because of you, I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you, I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you, I found it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me

Because of you, I'm afraid

But, God talked differently.

I was 10 years old when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school.

My father insisted to take me to a course.

Actually I thought it wasn't needed.

National exams... I could handle it easily.

And I know my father thought so, too.

But he insisted.

So, I did it.

There, I saw a girl.

She had brown long hair, a little wavy.

Her eyes were deep brown and it showed some intelectual.

I knew from her eyes that she could compare my brain.


She stared at me with a frown.

I stared back at her.

That time I was sure that she was just an ordinary girl.

As time passed,

I realized something.

She was not that ordinary. I knew I was right.

She was incredible.

That was the first time I met someone who was as bright as me.

Her grades were amazing.

Sometimes she even beat me.

Was she coming from the same world as me? A friend to me?

But I was wrong.

She was not like me. She was different from me.

She had friends.

She was free to laugh and smile.

She showed many expressions of feeling in her eye.

She was nothing like me.

That stabbed my heart.

I felt lonely again.

I was... afraid to trust everyone again.

I couldn't trust anyone. I promised.

But, I knew my heart always told me that the brown-haired girl was different.

Especially the way she looked at me.

It was... I didn't know.

I couldn't describe it.

I don't know what it is.

Every time I saw she looked at me with that feeling in her eyes,

it reminded me of my parents.

Not when they argued. No.

But before they argued and divorced.

I remembered how my mother looked at my father

with the exactly same stare with those brown eyes.

It felt so... soft.

And caring.

It continued until now.

Now I am nineteen years old.

Now I am the best college student of Science-Chemistry Division.

Now I am still the same me as 9 years ago.

I am going to be as success as my father.

But now I have some feelings.

And I have a best friend now.

His name is Gin Silkwood. He is the rector of the university I study now.

My father supports this friendship of mine.

Why ?

Beacuse my father thinks that Gin is an excellent asset for his self.

A twenty-three years old successful rector of the biggest university in this country.

One of three Silkwood Corporation’s heirs and heiress, and he is the main heir.

Of course my father likes him.

Only for his own good.

About that brown-eyed girl,

The way I look at her, now it is changed.

It is almost the same with her.

Maybe not soft, but I care.

Now I'm starting to understand what it is, because I feel it, too.

I love her.

Just as big as her love for me.

And we know it each other.

But, you know what?

I'll tell you her name.

Rafashea Salwa Greenleaf.

Oh, yes, you are right.

She is a Greenleaf.

She is a daughter of the man who steals my mother from me.

And that makes me standing in my position right now.

My father died several months ago.

Then after his funeral, my mother insisted to take care about me.

She asked me to live with her in her husband house.

Then she introduced me to my step sister, her husband's daughter.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Rafashea is my sister now.

Let's call her Shea for short.

Since I move to my new house, I never see her smile.


I never see her true smile again.

The worst part is that she will be a wife soon.

She will be a wife of my own best friend, Gin Silkwood.

For her family business.

I can see that she is not happy with this decision.

And I can do nothing about it.

I am still afraid.

Well, correction again.

My monster side is very afraid.

I watched you die, I heard you cry, every night in your sleep

I was so young, you should have known better than to lean on me

You never thought of anyone else, you just show your pain

And now I cry in the middle of the night for same damn thing

I want to yell at the world,

that all of this is my parents' fault.

And Shea's father's, too.

My father became a monster because of my mother.

He insisted me to throw all my emotions,

changed me to be a creature with no feelings like him

That's his entire fault I can do nothing.

I'm being trapped into a confusing feeling,

and frustrating situation like this.

I don't know what to do.

They never teach me how to handle a situation like this.

I'm screaming into my pillow.

My head is aching.

This is very frustrating.

I feel my longing for her is demonstrating inside me.

My eyes are burning.

This is the first time I cry for my entire 13 years.

I will not blame others anymore.

It's enough this time.

I'll take it all myself.

A/N : SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH My lovely editor, omtivi, is not with me againT_T

-Yumi 'Daigo' Chiaki-
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R E B O R N ! !

Saya nyerah posting pake bahasa Inggris...
malu banget liat bahasa inggris saya di posting-posting berapa tahun yang lalu tuh? Ada kali sekitar 2 tahun yang lalu...~~
2008 yah kalo ga salah pertama kali saya bikin blog ini? Tau deh, kelamaan ga saya tengok, berkat ke-alay-an masa muda saya...-_-

eh eh!
Udah 2010 loooooooooooohhhhhhhh! And I'm back with new name!! hahaXD nama saya jadi Yumi Chiaki sekarang... Sumire Shouda itu pas jamannya friendster *kebetulan friendster saya masih lumayan jalan... namanya juga masih Sumire Shouda wkwkwkwk*. Karena udah jaman FB ama twitter, akhirnya saya reinkarnasi jadi Yumi Chiaki. Katanya mah Yumi Chiaki itu nama jepang saya... awalnya saya percaya banget. Tapi kok makin ke sini makin berkurang yah?-,- sabodo udel lah, yang penting I love the sound of Yumi Chiaki... imut-imut gimanaaaaaaa gitu wkwkwkwkXD
*udah ga posting-posting, sekali posting ga penting gitu...*

Saya teh kembali di sini cuma mau minta maaf atas segala dosa saya di tahun 2009 kepada kalian semua yang pernah saya dosai *hah?* wkwkwk selain itu saya juga mau review balik semua yang sudah saya lakukan selama tahun 2009!!!!^^ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAXD untuk Atit, kalo lu baca neh postingan gaje, bukan maksud untuk meniru apa yang kao lakukan pada blog-mu, saya udah niat bikin ginian dari sebelum 2010 meledak, tapi keduluan kamu aja...-,-

Januari 2009...

Ada apa yah? Ada apa ada apa ada apa? wkwkwkwkwk ada apa denganmu...-_- JANUARI JANUARI YANG BIRUUUUU *bukan maksud saya ngambil copyright-nya Winnie juga nih* Januari 2009 itu kita ada PAGELARAN SENI SUPERHERO yang diadakan di SMPN 1 Bogor!!! Aiiiihhhh indahnya masa-masa itu... SESAME ST RULES! HahaXDXD Juara 2 sih, but we were proud of what we had done! Thanks to Arin a.k.a the big boss of Incredible Century, Arie a.k.a the double big *wkwk* boss, Dyah *ehem* dan Topik a.k.a duo secretaries of the big and double big boss, Widuri dan Nasya a.k.a brankas Incredible Century, seluruh PENANGGUNG JAWAB divisi *edan divisi* acara yang ditampilkan oleh Sesame St, dan WARGA KELAS 9A 2008/2009 OHMIGOT YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!XDXD I'm very proud to have a chace to know you all, FRIENDS :)
OH IYA! Tak lupa pula Bu Susky! Ibu kami yang sangat kami cintai... ah kangen beneran deh saya... *banjir air mata*

Februari 2009...

Apa coba? Kayaknya tak ada yang patut di kenang...kalopun ada berarti saya lupa...

Maret 2009...
hilang ingatan keanya gw-_- Maret itu adalah bulan terakhir sebelum kami, para senior SMPN 1 Bogor menghadapi Ujian Nasional. Udah pan gitu doang?

April 2009...
Nah. Ini dia. Ini dia bulan yang kita tunggu-tunggu. Ada suatu momen yang sangat berarti bagi kita semua, yaitu... MY BIRTHDAY!!!!XDXD hahahahaha 24 April boooooooo!!!! I was turning 15, my favorite number! Temen-temen pada dateng ke rumah...*kalo nggak salah nih yah : Atit, Winnie, Icha, Vdel, ama Ijul. bener teu?* dan acaranya adalaaaaaahhhhhh nonton HSM 3! wkwkwkwkwk bener-bener dah si Faiz ngeluarin cd HSM, dan nontonlah kita semua. Ada acara berantem juga kalo ga salah, trus teh pada pundung ckckck benar-benar tidak menghargai ulang tahun orang. Abis ulang tahun, kita UJIAN NASIONAL. Ooooooooooohhhhh my nightmare...-_- Segala macem dah kejadiannya kalo lagi ujian teh. Contekan lah nyebar, udah tau soalnya lah, sagala macem dosa pada dikeluarin semua. Eits, saya nggak ikutan. Saya BERSIH waktu UN! Serius! Kok tampang lo ga percaya gitu sih?! wkwkwkwkwkwk udah kea orang pinter tea gw ngerjain UN dalam waktu singkat dan GA NYONTEK! YEY!!

Mei 2009...
Abis UN ada apa, anak-anak?? Kalo jawabannya pada 'liburan', berarti anda semua SALAH BESAR. Abis UN ada US alias Ujian Sekolah. Penting banget ga sih lo? Kenapa UN ga digabungin ama US aja? wkwkwk becanda kok, bapak kepala Dinas Pendidikan...

Juni 2009...
Abis UAS ngapain coba? Yaaahhh bagi orang sebangsa Laila dkk, mungkin tinggal duduk manis di rumah sambil minum kopi hangat, tapi bagi kami yang bukan termasuk dalam daftar Laila dkk. (maksudnya yang kurang berprestasi, bukan tidak berprestasi tapi kurang^^) harus bekerja keras sekali lagi, mengadu nasib kami *edan*. Tes Seleksi Masuk SMAN 1 Bogor telah dibuka, bagi peserta yang telah memiliki kartu tes dipersilakan memasuki kelas yang sesuai dengan kartu tes. Sekali lagi... *udah kea bioskop-_-* YAP! ITU YANG SAYA MAKSUD DENGAN MENGADU NASIB!

eh pernah nonton sinetron kan? Nah ini jadi kea sinetron. Mohon maaf saya ga bisa selesai hari ini cerita2nya... yaaaaahhhhh jangan pada nangis gitu dong... saya mau pergi soalnya bareng mamaku tercinta. Nanti kita lanjut oke? Perjuangan saya tidak hanya cukup sampai di sini!!!

Bye, all^^
-Yumi 'Daigo' Chiaki-
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Kacang Goreng and DaiBen


I feel so tired today...

but I want to tell you about my friends...
they are so nice!^^

Kacang goreng, parabot, tisu-tisu!

Kacang Goreng.
It's not a food...
It's my group!
Dyah, Atheet, and Winnie are belong to KG!!!^^

THEY ARE my bestfriend! We do everything together! We play together! We learn together!
I love them very much!
well, sometimes we fight like a little children...
but, it's not the problem!

we have a precious book, called 'BH'.
It's not what about you thinking...
BH is the way we call 'Buku Harian' or Diary...
we share problems and stories on this book. This book is contain by all of our deepest secret (I won't tell you what it is)!

we create a story, too!
It's a kind of novel, but It's very weird! hahaha!
here the characters of 'Nopel KG' :
- Shiran Extalicia (Winnie)
- Resha Silkwood (Atheet)
- Rafashea S. Greenleaf (Dyah)
- Eldie A. Lucifer (Winnie)
- Lavi D. Lucifer (Atheet)
- Genitrov Raditya D. (Dyah)
- Husky Silkwood (Atheet)
- Viktor Silkwood (Atheet)
- Sherry G. Greenleaf (Dyah)

well, that's it.
Maybe it will be the differences later...
We will create another new story with the same characters!^^
And I will write it in this blog!
maybe I will write it in Indonesian...

We built a BAND, too!
- present -
Vocal 1 : Dyah
Vocal 2 : Winnie
Guitar 1 : Atheet
Guitar 2 : Laila
Keyboard : Vdel
Drum : Dhania
Violin : Ichaa

single :
- Shiawase no Niji
- Goodbye Days
- Yume no Tsubasa
- Brand New Breeze
- Life
- Comet Cloud
- If I Ain't Got you
- Bizzare Love TRiangle

and we will play many more songs!
wait and see us!

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Sumire a.k.a Dyah is here!


Welcome to my blog!

first, I will introduce my self...

well, my surname is Dyah Ayu Djayanti Rachmawati, but my friends usually call me Dyah. Or DJ. But, I usually call my self Sumire. It means Violet. Hmmm... Whatever.
I was born on April, 24th 1994, so now I'm only 14 years old. Hehehe...
I come from Indonesia and I live in Bogor. The Rainy City... hehehe...
I like reading novels, manga and comics...
I like watching movies, especially with Fantasy genre..., such as Harry Potter, Narnia, etc.
and I like to watch anime, too!^^
In this blog, I will create a 'magic box' that belongs to me. I will input all of my creation in this page. Especially my writings, 'cause I like writing so much!
I think that's enough for the introduction...
see you next time!^^
ja ne!
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